What I do


Every day I get to think about how human connection looks, how it works, how it acts, how it shows up, how it brings us through and lifts us all up.

Like love …

Love is a verb. An action. To love is to fall, to dream, to dare, to hope, to have patience, to mess up, to extend forgiveness, to try and try again, to endure.

I write for the women who say to their sisters, “Thank you for loving me like I love you. I dream for you, fight for you, hold you up to the world for your excellence and elegance, and love you down to your pettiest ways.”

I write for daughters and sons who say to their mothers, “Your gifts to me have been endless and priceless.”

I write for mothers who say to their daughters, “You are my living dream.”

And, when life acts as it must, when it delivers human heartache, when the loss is immeasurable and unmatched, I write for the uniqueness of each person’s grief.

As a Black woman, I write for my sisters.

I write for our bright shining future

I write for my Brothers to support their connection to other brothers …

And, I write for the people who love and stand with us.


Blogs and Articles

I write about women’s empowerment, human relationships, and the cultural and social forces that shape how we connect with one another.

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I write empowerment for women who need to know this: WE ARE ALREADY ENOUGH.

I write love for two people who started falling and have never stopped.

I write for deep and enduring friendship.

And I write to support women living with cancer, reminding them that they are still whole, still beautiful, still loved.

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Whole-Souled Woman: The Melvina Young collection

I created this collection in 2018 for women who need to show ourselves some serious self-love, take our own side, be our own protectors. For women like me who are finally ready to say, "I am already enough."